Daily Bread
Thanks to the generous donations of several community partners, each weekday we are able to provide a variety of bread and bakery items to anyone in need. Bread and bakery items are available on a first come first served bases for as long as they are available and are limited to one item per family.
Food Line
Thanks to second harvest and community partners, every Tuesday and Thursday (as available) we offer a food line. Items available differ from week to week and are as available only. Items are first come, first serve and limits will be enforced upon pickup.
Lunch with Sally
Every Thursday from 11:30am-12:30 pm a sit-down soup and sandwich lunch is provided to anyone in need. (During the summer months, a BBQ meal may be served outdoors.) Space is limited and service is on a first come first served basis.
Regina & District Food Bank Distribution
If you qualify for ongoing food assistance this can be provided at our location through our partnership with the Regina and District Food Bank. To apply for regular food bank assistance, please contact our office to set-up an intake appointment.
Sally Shop
Our Sally Shop offers essential items affordable prices. This includes a variety of affordable food, personal hygiene, and household supplies. This also serves as our Emergency Food bank if you qualify for Emergency Assistance.
School Feeding Programs
Sponsored by The Mosiac Company, we offer a variety of school feeding programs to help ensure that vulnerable children in our community receive nutritious lunches throughout the school year. Click here for more info