Trusteeship and Money Management Program

At The Salvation Army Regina, we understand the challenges of managing finances, especially for those receiving assistance through Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) and Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID). Our Trustee Program is here to help.

Program Overview:
The Salvation Army’s Money Management Program offers vital financial management services to individuals who are recipients of SIS or SAID. We provide a supportive framework where participants can securely manage their finances with the help of our Trustee team. Our services ensure that all financial obligations are met, preventing financial distress and promoting stability.

Services Offered:

  • Budget Planning: We help you create a manageable and realistic budget that covers your daily needs and financial obligations.
  • Financial Guidance: Receive personalized advice on financial management and planning for future needs.
  • Bill Payments: Our team helps ensure that your bills are paid on time, every time, to avoid penalties and service interruptions.
  • Allowance: Participants receive a living allowance based on the balance remaining after expenses are paid. 

Eligibility and Application Process:

  • Must be a recipient of Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) or Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID).
  • Interested individuals can speak with your social worker. Participants must be referred by a Ministry of Social Services caseworker.

Contact Us:
For more information, please contact our office and speak with our Money Management Team member.
You can also fill out our contact form on our Contact Us page.